The Better Way – Digital Transformation


Arnd Wittchen, as past president of ICPMA, and Hargeet Kaur, as Steering Committee Member, have written an article on digital transformation in the construction industry in the current issue of ICPMA's 2020 Yearbook.

Discussing the challenge of adopting new technologies and adapting to new structures in the construction world, the two conclude that it is the social responsibility of all stakeholders to strike a balance between digital platforms and actual, hands-on (analog) construction activity. This must be the primary goal between investors, developers, planners and contractors to ensure that projects can be successfully delivered in a sustainable manner without having to compromise on any of the relevant fronts.

We are proud that our colleagues are part of this network and thus SMV, true to our code of conduct, also indirectly contributes to the optimization and efficiency increase of project processes.

But - read for yourself: ICPMA Yearbook 2020

ICPMA (International Construction Project Management Association) is an organization that serves as a platform for sharing best practice in construction project management among its members. The worldwide network, led by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis, is dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and experience and the associated optimization of project processes. Annually, projects are awarded in two different categories (Innovation+Quality and Partnership in Projects).

ICPMA publishes a digital yearbook every two years, presenting the latest award winners and current topics.

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The concrete is flowing